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How to Manage Emotional Eating?

Have you ever felt the dire need of filling your stomach with food because of happiness, sadness or depression? Do you try to find comfort by eating, when you feel emotional? If this is so, you may be one of those who are suffering from emotional eating disorder.

Read an informative article on why eating disorders are unhealthy to deal with emotional problems.

What is Emotional Eating Disorder?

It’s a disorder in which a person feeling sad, anxious, or depressed, feels the need of eating. This is not the original hunger originated by the emptiness of your stomach but this hunger triggers to manage your emotional feelings. 

The urge of the emotional eating originates when you feel bad, angry, stressed or anxious and it does not go easily until you eat potato chips, chocolates or other unhealthy foods of your choice. This is why a person with emotional eating disorder is more prone to gaining weight faster than others who don’t have this syndrome. 

If you want to find out the easy and fast way to lose your weight, check out Zorqe.

How to Manage Emotional Eating?

Though managing your emotional eating habit is hard, but not impossible. If you are not good enough to resist this artificial hunger, try to divert your attention from eating.  For this purpose, reading a book of your interest, talking to a friend, sharing your emotional state with your family, going for a walk, playing games and some kind of household or gardening can be helpful. 

Here is a good read on 10 things to do instead of mindless eating.

Figure out the reason of your emotional eating habit and try to cope with your stress through yoga or other stress relieving exercises.  Develop the habit of patting yourself and teach yourself to not act like an emotional fool in this practical world. If this is not helping, consider taking mediation from a good doctor to come out of stress or depression and live a happy and healthy life.

Here is a good story of how one woman escaped the emotional eating with professional help. Read the article my battle with emotional eating.

If you are not good enough in killing your eating temptation, go for fewer calorie and high fiber diet to satisfy your hunger. Don’t eat burgers, potato chips, sweets or other fattening foods but stick to healthier choices like salads, soups multi-grain bread, cereals and leafy greens and fruits etc. This way your emotional eating syndrome will not make you obese.